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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bought it, rode it, sold it

I am a bit late posting this. I bought this bike in early 2017 during winter and my recovery time from knee surgery. I had the idea in mind that this bike is so cheap that I will get it and try it out just for the heck of it and then sell it shortly thereafter.
First time out with the bike. I added my Avenir trunk bag.
We had a few spotty days of warm weather in March that allowed me to get some short rides in. The handling of this bike is great. Just a few differences that made it slightly awkward at first. The extended distance from the handlebars to the crosstube and the same for distance from the seat to the crosstube made leaning to assist maneuvers and turning different with the timing of it. But after a few rides it was easy to be used to that. I enjoyed riding it every time that I did so solo. Local rides are no different than for a regular bike. It was a different story when riding in a group though. The gearing is set up for casual local riding. So no really aggressive fast paced riding can be done. And hills. It goes up hills. Just not very fast. My buddy and I tried to do a 20 mile circuit and he ended up coasting with me most of the way as I pedaled my ass off the whole time. Meanwhile never really averaging anything more than 12-13 mph.
I was pretty tired after that ride and my buddy was pretty bored.  
Folding bike with trunk bag removed.
I bought the bike from Amazon for close to $300. A great deal for a folding bike! And easy to fold/unfold. I like the ease with which to get on and off of the bike as well. No having to swing a leg up and over anything. Just a nice step through and you're on. Oh yeah, it's called a Hasa folding bike.
Folding bike on the auction block. SOLD!
So as promised, I sold the bike and another to make way for a new bike project. That is the shortest time I have ever owned a bike. Three months-ish.