Perhaps some people who had been following my blog have wondered where I have disappeared to. Well, back in the beginning of September I started a new job and it is graveyard shift and it is 12 hours a day. Between that and the holidays, I had a heck of a time trying to have a stable weekday that allowed ANY free time besides when I was sleeping. And that is enough about that horse hockey.
I managed to get in a few miles on the bike here and there during that time. But nothing like the earlier part of the year when i had put on almost 2700 miles! So as winter was approaching I had my eyes on some rollers and machines to attach my bike to while indoors. I decided to go with rollers with a optional front wheel stand for stability when I want it. There was two brands I liked. Turns out one brand is made in China and one is made in the good old USA. So I took the monetary hit and went for the American brand. It is Kreitler brand rollers. I haven't put alot of miles on it yet. But definitely more miles than I would have gotten outdoors this time of year!
That is all for now. I hope to get back to blogging a bit more now that we are in the new year.
Glad to see you bach in the bike groove!