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Friday, June 17, 2011

Carpentersville to St. Charles and back

Looking Northwest towards the Fox River while standing on the FRT in front of Gail Borden Library.
So you wanted pics? Here you go! These pics are from a bike ride on the Fox River Trail(FRT) that started at about 5:00 PM today. The start point was at Washington St. in Carpentersville and went to downtown St. Charles and back again. Total distance was 40 miles. Max speed was 37.1 mph. Approximate time was 4 hours due to 20 minutes of breaks which turned into 40 minutes of breaks due to three chain derailments. Two of the derailments happened within ten feet of each other(Arrrrrr!!). I was ready tho. After my last run in with the chain about midweek, I decided my bike runs would only be complete with two, count em - TWO, screw drivers. This facilitates the grease staying on something other than my hands! The mess was minimal.

Looking West from FRT at Gail Borden Library at boat racing buoys.

A boat on it's way by

A blimp can be seen in the sky in the background of the IPP trail.

Old base for electric train equipment on the IPP

I have to go to the road here because the railroad crossing for the trail has not been developed yet on the Stearns Rd. Trail(barrier in background blocks trail).

Looking back at barrier after resuming ride on Stearns R.d Trail.

On pedestrian bridge under Stearns Rd. bridge. Note: that is not real brick or stone. That is just some kind of artistic facing to the cement pillar work!

Railroad bridge parallel to the Stearns Rd. bridge. The stones are real on that bridge.

Western shore of Fox River. Trail goes under the bridge there. See it?

Looking back East on the Stearns Rd. pedestrian bridge

Looking South on bridge over Fox River on FRT just at base of hill 4/10 mile long with a nice steep grade(No standing while pedaling!)!

Someone flying down the hill.

Looking West at railroad/pedestrian bridge in St. Charles


Waterside trail under bridge.

Kewl bike trail sign!

On the bridge.

Looking South from the pedestrian bridge. St.Charles main bridge in background(Rte 64).

Looking back East on bridge

Baker Community House. This is where I go to play chess on Thursdays sometimes at the St. Charles Chess Club on the third floor.

Is this turtle flying?

It is!!!

Trail goes under bridge just North of the flying turtle

Some kind of bike art in downtown St. Charles park

More bike art.

Some locked up bikes in downtown

Intersection of Rtes 31 and 64.

Back on the pedestrian bridge looking North toward Potawatamy Park


Is that a fox?


Yup! It's a fox made of old bike parts!

Plaque dedicating the fox.

I like the bike seat for a nose

And all the rims that make up the tail

Look at all those parts that make up the body! That musta been fun to make!

Looking South from the fox

Looking North under the pedestrian bridge

Looking South from the North side of the pedestrian bridge

Fox River Queen

Didn't the Almond Brothers have one of these?

Bike sign painted on the trail in South Elgin

Also in South Elgin.

Old brick road built in the 1930s no longer in use but still has working street lights.



  1. Many fantastic pics, you will burn your batteries out :-] Weird to see fake stones on a bridge but if it makes it look nicer so be it! Nice trail on a bridge with your own roof over it. The turtle looks like a snapper. I drove one of those Allman Bro type trucks to deliver magazines in. That bike fox was groovy. I seat was perfect for a nose. I wonder what the eyes were? Nice historical building for chess club and the Fox River Queen Steamboat [Paddleboat] be nice if they let your bike on and you get a small cruise down the river.

  2. The eyes on the fox were the wheels from a set of training wheels. Yes, St.Charles is a beautiful town
